Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend if I am not Lutheran?

Of course! The Lord welcomes everyone!

Am I obligated to put something in the collections plate?

No, we are here to know and love God. Many members have automatic deposits and do not put anything in. We have prayer cards available if you have a special prayer request.

If I attend will there be an embarrassing introduction?

Pastor simply acknowledges your presence, (“Welcome to all of our visitors”), and at the end of the service invites everyone to join in fellowship and enjoy coffee and snacks.

Will I feel out of place because of my age?

No, our congregation varies in age from the very young through teens to retired members and every age is welcome to participate in all of our functions regardless of their age.

Will I be pressured to join?

No, we are here to know and love God, if you think that you might like to join Calvary Lutheran Church, contact our pastor and discuss your interest in private.

Can I bring my children?

Yes, you are encouraged to have your children celebrate with us. We provide a children’s church for the kids during the service.